Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

5 Ways To Manage Diabetes

It can be difficult to deal with diabetes if you are unsure how best to manage it. These tips will help you manage your condition better, and lead a healthier life.

1. Try to avoid stress in your life as much as you can. It is said that everyone needs a little stress in their lives, but too much of it is a very bad thing. You may find that your job has become very stressful - a diagnosis of diabetes might be frightening, but it may also give you the impetus you need to find a new, less stressful job if it's possible. Your home life may be stressful. Talk with your family to see if there are ways that they could help ensure that your life is made less stressful. By reducing stress in your life, both your blood sugar and blood pressure should stay at safer levels.

2. Try some relaxation to reduce your blood sugar. This might be something as simple as listening to some soothing music, or you could try one of the many relaxation audio CDs which are available. Practice your breathing technique by taking long, deep breaths, in the through the nose, and out through the mouth. Do just ten repetitions, and you'll be surprised how effective this can be, particularly if you close your eyes.

3. Are you carrying too much weight? Everyone should try losing weight if they need to, but for diabetics, this is even more important. Make sure you take advice from your GP on a suitable eating plan. Plan half an hour of gentle exercise into your daily schedule. The combination of healthy eating and exercise should see the excess weight coming off in no time at all.

4. If you've been prescribed medication, make sure you follow the directions on how to take it properly. If you need to have medication at a certain time, or after meals, make sure you do. It's also sensible to take your medication at the same time every day. If you sometimes can't remember if you've taken your medication or not, buy a pill box which has different sections for each day of the week, and sections for different times of the day. Fill it up once a week, and you'll be able to see if you have taken the correct medication each day or not.

5. Avoid drinks with hidden sugar. Always check the label of any soft drink to see if it contains sugar. If you're visiting a coffee shop, ask the barista if your drink contains sugar - if it does, then choose one which doesn't have any sugar. It's really easy to get caught out with sugary drinks that you don't know contain sugar.

These tips should help you manage your diabetes, but if you're ever in any doubt, always check with your GP.

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