Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

The Best Way to Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease that affects a very large segment of the population. It is an incurable disease, but you can work with your doctor to find effective ways to manage your blood sugar level get off insulin and effectively reverse the disease. Once you begin to effectively manage your Type 2 Diabetes, you will begin to reduce some of the risks involved in having this disease, or leaving it untreated. Managing type 2 diabetes takes a complete commitment to the new lifestyle. It is not an overnight activity and it requires that you continue the changes for months and years to come.

Before you start the process of properly managing your type 2 diabetes, you should know what is type 2 diabetes. Type II diabetes occurs when your body cannot properly regulate the sugar level in your cells, or it may not create sufficient insulin to normalize glucose levels. Some of the symptoms you may experience with this illness include increase thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, slow healing sores, weight loss and a host of others. This disease has no known cause, but it is believed to occur due to being overweight, sedentary lifestyle and family genetics.

Your medical provider can determine if you have type II diabetes by doing laboratory testing such as the Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test to determine your blood sugar level.

Having type 2 diabetes left untreated can result in death. Since there is no cure for this disease, so your best option is to properly manage your type 2 diabetes. To manage your type II diabetes, change your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables and add whole grains such as oats and legumes. Implement an exercise regimen of at least 30 minutes daily, you can even break up the 30 minutes into 10 minutes increment. Since, studies have shown that exercise in 10 minutes increment give you the same benefit, just make sure you do at least 30 minutes daily. Exercising daily will help you lose the weight while lowering your cholesterol.

Then, closely monitor your body and your blood sugar to see if any changes are occurring. Type 2 diabetes can sometimes cause vision impairment, and cuts and bruises may heal slowly, so always make sure that any changes in your body are addressed immediately. Most importantly follow the direction of your health care provider because they can help you manage blood sugar levels and help you live the life you desire.

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