Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Dealing With Depression As A Diabetic

Receiving a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes often comes along with other issues such as depression. Getting depressed or having a long-term chronic illness can get the best of anyone. However, you don't have to live with depression if you know how to combat it effectively.

Here are some ideas about overcoming depression when you have diabetes.

First of all, if your depression lasts more than just a few days at a time, you should see a professional. It's very important you maintain good mental health in your life, so seeing a professional counselor or psychiatrist doesn't mean that you are weak. It simply means you need the help and assistance of someone who's more experienced and qualified in the subject of depression. Once you have seen someone for this condition, you will be better equipped to deal with it.

So, what is depression? When someone is continually affected by stressful circumstances, it's not unusual to find depression develop. The basic feelings of depression are feeling hopeless and helpless. These feelings usually occur when a situation is continually seen as an uncontrollable threat. This threat can be real or imagined and as long as the threat persists, the reaction corresponds with a type of depression. This depression can vary from feeling down to being unable to perform daily basic functions and where diabetes is concerned, this means depression makes the effective management of diabetes almost impossible

If you know someone who has gone through depression, make sure to chat with them about it. Getting the viewpoint of other people is very important when it comes to dealing with anxiety disorders and other mental issues. Having depression doesn't mean that you're crazy. Lots of people go through this at some point during their lives. Sometimes it comes on as a result of stress while other times it can come on out of nowhere.

It is not unusual for depression to cause other problems. For example, the increase of alcohol and sugary foods. As a diabetic and a depressed person, it is important you avoid alcohol and other sugary foods and drinks. This is because sugar causes major blood sugar swings in your body. When your blood sugar dips too high or too low, it can have an immense effect on your emotions and mood. In addition, it can cause other complications and problems with your Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar. The last thing you want to do is have more problems with your diabetes.

Support Groups: Finally, it's important to understand you are not alone in this journey. There are many support groups and other ways of getting help when you have depression. If you feel like you can't leave the house or get out of bed in the mornings, you may need some medication just to get you over the hump. Once you take part in counseling, you'll be able to find some other means of coping. There are tools that can assist you in managing your stress and depression, skills that will give you better control of your diabetes and life in general.

It's completely possible you won't have to be on medication for the rest of your life. But, even if you do, it's more important you have a happy life even if it involves taking medication to help you.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

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