Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - The Importance of Calcium in Diabetes!

Lifestyle changes are not only recommended to prevent Type 2 diabetes but according to recent statistics, may also help to manage this chronic condition. Although many are aware of the positive benefits of increasing activity and making better food choices, some may not know of the specific importance calcium plays in Type 2 diabetes.

Calcium helps to preserve and build bone, regulates heart rate, muscle function and blood pressure. It is also connected to the prevention of several types of cancer as well as Type 2 diabetes. Men and women up to the age of 50 need 1000 mg per day; over age 50... 1200 mg per day is usually recommended.

Prevention Efforts: Several studies have concluded when supplemented through diet or vitamin form, calcium can actually decrease the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. While this action is not fully understood, it is proposed those who consume the recommended amount of calcium may consume a healthier diet. You can get it all through your diet, but you have to work at it.

Regulation of Blood Sugar: Studies have also been conducted to establish if an appropriate calcium intake may be able to help regulate blood sugar for many diabetics. There may be several different reasons for this. One is that individuals who obtained enough calcium may have better control of their food intake and, as a result, may not suffer as frequently from co-morbid medical conditions associated with Type 2 diabetes.

The Amount of Calcium Needed: A major problem is that diabetes affects the way calcium is regulated in the body. Diabetes alters the way calcium is moved in and out of the cells. At the same time, the amount of calcium left behind in the cells is affected by the presence of diabetes itself.

So, before a person with diabetes increases their intake of calcium through diet or supplementation, they should first consult with their primary care physician. The amount needed will vary on an individual basis and will be affected by age, medical conditions and gender:

2 milk/yogurt servings supplies 600 to 700 mg of calcium300 or 500 mg of calcium are the lowest levels found in most supplements.

But be warned: a significant increase in calcium can pose health hazards in itself, especially for those with certain disorders or diseases.

People who consume a sufficient amount of calcium can lower their chances of developing Type 2 diabetes. Plus, it also helps to maintain a healthier weight... another issue that can advance the development of Type 2 diabetes.

When Calcium Intake is Contraindicated:

Despite the typical benefits of calcium, not all diabetics will benefit from additional sources of it. There are certain groups of individuals who should not increase their calcium intake through diet or supplementation. Those who have:

developed renal disease,suffer from hypophosphatemia,have had kidney stones, orsuffer from hypercalcemia

should not incorporate additional calcium into their lifestyle as this can create further medical problems.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

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