Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Keeping a Weight Loss Journal

If you are planning to lose weight, there is no question it's a process that takes more time than we really would like it to. Nevertheless, it can be done! The additional weight took time to gain and will take time to lose.

In order to watch your progress, it makes sense to keep "the weight loss journal". This will help you look back and see where you came from; what you weight was at the beginning of your weight loss journey and where you are after dieting for several weeks or months. It will also help you to stay on target: it will help you to really watch what you eat and motivate you to keep up with your daily exercise.

As a person with Type 2 diabetes, it's even more important to keep your weight at a healthy level so a weight loss journal is a great way to do just that.

Let's start: You should buy a journal and keep it with you at all times. If you're a man, you could keep it in your briefcase or in your car. A woman can easily keep a weight loss journal in her purse. This is important because you want to be able to write down everything you eat and drink throughout the entire day, It's important everything be included or you will not be getting a "true picture".

Be sure to keep track of the time you exercise, how much weight you are lifting or how many repetitions you are completing. This is important information so you can constantly ramp up your fitness regimen. By knowing where you started, you will be able to add more repetitions and weights over time so that you can continue to challenge your body.

Your journal could be used to set goals for the following week. Have an idea of how much exercise you want to do or how far you want to run, for example. By writing down your goals, you'll be able to look back and see if you are achieving them. It will also give you the motivation to forge ahead even when you don't feel like exercising.

It's also critical to write down all the foods you are consuming throughout the day. Even if you think it's something that isn't going to add too many calories that will affect your weight, make sure to write it down. Don't forget to write down your fluid intake also. This is especially true if you are having coffee or a sugary soft drink. Write it down!

Finally, it's important to weigh yourself regularly so you can see how you are progressing on your weight loss journey. You will look back and get the motivation you need to keep on going. In fact, some people even keep their before weight loss photos in their weight loss journal to help to keep them motivated.

Don't forget to mark your blood sugar levels down in your journal along with when you take your medication... it will be interesting for you to see how your blood sugar rises and falls following eating and exercise. If you inject insulin, avoid strenuous physical activity at the peak of the insulin's action. It is usually recommended you take your insulin about 1 hour before starting activity. If you experience a bout of hypoglycemia and take glucose tablets or other fast-acting carbs such as fruit juice or hard candy, include these in your journal also.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

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