Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Planning a Pregnancy With Diabetes

Pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes have increased risks such as giving birth to a stillborn baby or a baby with severe birth defects. At the same time, pregnant women who manage their diabetes well can have a healthy pregnancy and go on to deliver a healthy baby. The key is to keep your diabetes under control before and during your pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester when development is at its most intricate.

Poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects up to 10%.

OK... although you have Type 2 diabetes, you still want to get pregnant. So, what do you need to do so you have a happy, healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

The key is to plan ahead! If you are looking to become pregnant, it is important to consider a few things and to seek preconception care prior to attempting to become pregnant.

The Plan: Many doctors and specialists recommend women to establish and maintain exceptional blood sugar control for three to six months before becoming pregnant. Then you can be sure your glycosylated hemoglobin levels or HbA1c levels are within the normal ranges during this time. A normal level would indicate your diabetes is well-managed; therefore the risk of birth defects is low. The risk of birth defects is more probable when you have high blood sugar levels in the early stages of pregnancy.

You doctor then will likely assess any concerns or questions you may have about Type 2 diabetes and pregnancy as well as acquire a complete medical history and physical examination. The following tests are also usually recommended prior to becoming pregnant:

an eye examination in order to rule out diabetic eye disease,blood pressure and urine tests to check your kidney function,a gynecological examination,a general examination to rule out heart disease or any circulatory issues.

Then a unique and comprehensive plan will be designed to assist you to maintain a healthy pregnancy. If you are taking oral anti-diabetic medications, you will be advised to control your diabetes through:

diet and exercise alone, orgo on insulin prior to pregnancy, and during your pregnancy.

Everyone is different and for this reason, each management plan of action may differ from one patient to another.

Where weight is concerned, regardless of having Type 2 diabetes, obesity is a warning your pregnancy may become a high risk. Obesity means you weigh at least 20% more than you should for your age and height.

studies have revealed women who are obese at the beginning of a pregnancy are more likely to have their baby delivered by cesarean section, than a women of average weight.blood sugar monitoring by use of a personal blood glucose meter is essential to observe stable, normal blood sugar levels.

Some women with Type 2 diabetes will be considered "high risk", so it will likely be necessary to follow-up via ultrasound tests throughout the pregnancy. This is a normal part of dealing with an ongoing health issue and being pregnant at the same time.

Medical professionals no longer discourage women becoming pregnant while dealing with Type 2 diabetes... although it is important to seek medical consultation prior to conception. Seeking preconception care will allow women with Type 2 diabetes to become more knowledgeable on how to properly care for themselves as well as their growing child despite their Type 2 diabetes.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

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