Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - You Need To Eat Sugar-Free Foods In Moderation!

Type 2 diabetes is a diagnosis that brings fear to those who receive it, as well as their loved ones. However, while Type 2 diabetes is scary, it is something you can learn to live with. Though it may not be easy, with changes to your eating plan and lifestyle, this form of diabetes can be managed and, believe it or not, it is possible to reverse it. Having diabetes means you will have to change the way you eat, but you won't have to abandon the foods you love altogether.

An important part of controlling your diabetes, or more precisely your blood sugar levels, is to watch your intake of sugar and those foods that will turn into sugar very quickly. An important point to remember is that sugar-free means the product has no refined sugar added to them but they are usually sweetened with either artificial or natural sweeteners. Often, this still means an increase in your blood sugar level, it's just these sweeteners have a reduced glycemic response compared to that of sugar.

You will need to read food labels very carefully. The list of ingredients might not include the actual word "sugar", but there are approximately 50 different ways a food can be sweetened by a sugar by-product. Know these names so that you can watch out for these hidden sugar dangers. Maltitol and hydrogenated starch hydrolysate are just two artificial sweeteners... they are both natural sweeteners derived from corn. A few other sugar alcohols include sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol. About 50 percent of these sugar alcohols convert to glucose, so they still have an effect on your blood sugar, just to a lesser degree than sugar.

Even if you don't want pre-packaged meals, you can order various sugar-free foods online or at your local grocery store. You may want to discuss with your doctor which particular types of sweeteners would be right for you. While some people may have sensitivities to artificial sweeteners, there are now many natural sweeteners that may not run your blood sugar up, but will still satisfy your sweet tooth.

Diabetic cookbooks will also help you find sugar-free options of some of your favorite goodies. This can be a great help when trying to live a more healthy lifestyle.

If you decide to make a recipe, you can still substitute sugar with an artificial sweetener. But it is not an equal trade. The amount of sweetener has to be adjusted according to which type of sweetener you are using. One type will measure out differently than others. Consult with a substitution table to see what the replacement will call for.

It is quite possible to control your blood sugar so that you can lead a normal life. But even sugar-free foods have to be consumed within reasonable limits. Finding ways to make your eating habits a little healthier is a great way, but everything in moderation. We can't just put all our eggs in the artificial sweetener basket. Don't expect that simply switching to sugar-free products will help you lose weight and keep it off. This is just one part of your living healthy plan. You need to eat right, avoid overeating, and exercise as much as you possibly can.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

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